Michelle Christie: Founder, No Limits for Deaf Children and CNN Hero

Michelle Christie, MsEd, CCC, EdD, is the founder and executive director of the nonprofit No Limits organization and was named a CNN Hero in 2017. After 18 years in the entertainment industry, Michelle decided to follow her dream of working with children with hearing loss who speak and listen. She changed her career path and earned a master’s degree in education, with a full fellowship and distinguished honors from the University of Southern California (USC), during which time she also won the program’s Heide Mengel Award for excellence in audiology. Dr. Christie subsequently received her doctorate in education from UCLA, where her dissertation focused on the needs and experiences of low-income Latino parents of school-age children with hearing loss. She has been invited to present her findings throughout the world, including at the Hearing Across the Lifespan (HEAL) Conference in Italy with representatives from over 60 countries. Dr. Christie received the UCLA Educational Leadership Hero Award for her outstanding work in the field of deafness as well as numerous commendations. In 2022, she will be honored by Echo Horizon School for her life’s work for improving the lives of deaf children who mainly reside in poverty.

Dr. Christie established No Limits’ one-of-a-kind theater programs and has written 22 original children’s theater productions and two books, including Silent NO MORE, the book companion piece to No Limits’ nationally touring theater production. She has also directed and produced over 200 productions, including historic performances at Carnegie Hall and the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, giving deaf children and adults a voice to speak for themselves.

Interviewed by Winn Claybaugh, Michelle will warm your heart with her lifelong commitment to serving underprivileged deaf children and give you an educated view into that world.



Website: https://www.nolimitsfordeafchildren.org/
CNN: https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2017/04/06/cnnheroes-christie-orig.cnn/video/playlists/2017-cnn-heroes/